The XRDynamic 500 (make: Anton Paar) X-ray diffraction system is the basic platform for a wide variety of applications in analytical X-ray Diffraction, in both scientific and industrial research environments. The system is capable of providing high-quality powder diffraction data acquisition and processing facilities to the users for the identification of unknown minerals and compounds, crystal structure refinements and quantitative phase analysis using the Reitveld algorithm. The system has a non-ambient thermal attachment which is capable to measure diffractogram at variable temperatures in the presence of air up to 1300 °C.
XRF spectrometry is one of the most widely used and versatile analytical technique. An XRF spectrometer normally uses primary radiation from an X-ray tube to excite secondary X-ray emission from a sample. The radiation emerging from the sample includes the characteristic X-ray peaks of major and trace elements present in the sample. Dispersion of these secondary X-ray into a spectrum, usually by X-ray diffraction, allows identification of these elements present in the sample. The height of each characteristic X-ray peaks relates to the concentration of the corresponding element in the sample, allowing quantitative analysis of the sample for most elements. The Solid samples are analysed in the form of pressed powder pellets or homogenised glass fused beeds.
Elements routinely determined as weight % oxide in geological matrices are SiO2, TiO2, Al2O3, Fe2O3(total), MnO, MgO, CaO, Na2O, K2O, and P2O5. Trace elements routinely determined in geological samples at > 5 ppm ( 2 ppm for some elements) level are Ba, Sc, V, Cr, Co, Ni, Cu, Zn, Ga, Pb, Th, Rb, U, Sr, Y, Zr and Nb .
Sample Requirement: In powder form (-200 mesh size). Quantity ~ 20 gm
- Automatic Hydraulic press ( 40 Ton) for making pressed powder pellet.
- Fusion beed preparation machine PAnalytical Perl.X 3.
- Planetary Ball Mill (Reitsch PM-100) for fine powdering.